Young is van plan de ‘Archives III’-box ander in te delen dan de twee vorige delen: ‘It has a different approach. There’s more audio vérité in it. We have real-time things happening that people haven’t heard. There’s one scene is myself and Nicolette (Larson), Linda (Ronstadt), and (David) Briggs.

We’re sitting around a table, and I’m singing all the songs that are on the next record to them for the first time. And then they start singing along. It’s just a live thing of people sitting around a table. I think it’s very interesting to hear them…

There’s a really cool film in there called ‘Across The Water’ that is a great Crazy Horse film. It’s really big. It’s bigger than the other volumes.”

Dat kan ook niet anders, want die ‘Archives III’-box zou een periode van dertig jaar (…) gaan beslaan, terwijl datzelfde ook zal gelden voor ‘Archives IV’.

Aan nog twee grote boxen geeft Young de voorkeur: ‘Rather than keep putting out volumes that are smaller. We’re going to put out IV and that’ll be it. We’re starting on the last one. It’s a monumental task.’

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